Решение на Пресичания от Doychin Atanasov

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Doychin Atanasov


  • 10 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 10 точки общо
  • 20 успешни тест(а)
  • 0 неуспешни тест(а)


package main
import (
// Triangle is an Intersectable which represents a triangle in the 3D space.
type Triangle struct {
a, b, c vector
// Intersect implements the geom.Intersecatble interface. It uses the
// Möller–Trumbore ray-triangle intersection algorithm from 1997. Wiki link:
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
func (t *Triangle) Intersect(r geom.Ray) bool {
ray := rayFromGeom(r)
edge1 := t.b.Minus(t.a)
edge2 := t.c.Minus(t.a)
s1 := ray.Direction.Cross(edge2)
divisor := edge1.Product(s1)
// Not culling:
if divisor > -epsilon && divisor < epsilon {
return false
invDivisor := 1.0 / divisor
s := ray.Origin.Minus(t.a)
b1 := s.Product(s1) * invDivisor
if b1 < 0.0 || b1 > 1.0 {
return false
s2 := s.Cross(edge1)
b2 := ray.Direction.Product(s2) * invDivisor
if b2 < 0.0 || b1+b2 > 1.0 {
return false
tt := edge2.Product(s2) * invDivisor
if tt < 0 {
return false
return true
// NewTriangle returns a new Triangle, defined with the points `a`, `b` and `c`.
func NewTriangle(a, b, c geom.Vector) *Triangle {
return &Triangle{
a: vectorFromGeom(a),
b: vectorFromGeom(b),
c: vectorFromGeom(c),
// Quad is an Intersectable which represents a quadrilateral in the 3D space.
type Quad struct {
vertices [4]vector
// Intersect implements the geom.Intersecatble interface. It is based on the
func (q *Quad) Intersect(r geom.Ray) bool {
ray := rayFromGeom(r)
e01 := q.vertices[1].Minus(q.vertices[0])
e03 := q.vertices[3].Minus(q.vertices[0])
p := ray.Direction.Cross(e03)
det := e01.Product(p)
if det == 0 {
return false
invDet := 1 / det
t := ray.Origin.Minus(q.vertices[0])
alfa := t.Product(p) * invDet
if alfa < 0 || alfa > 1 {
return false
w := t.Cross(e01)
beta := ray.Direction.Product(w) * invDet
if beta < 0 || beta > 1 {
return false
if alfa+beta > 1 {
e21 := q.vertices[1].Minus(q.vertices[2])
e23 := q.vertices[3].Minus(q.vertices[2])
pp := ray.Direction.Cross(e21)
detp := e23.Product(pp)
if detp == 0 {
return false
invDetp := 1 / detp
tp := ray.Origin.Minus(q.vertices[2])
alfap := tp.Product(pp) * invDetp
if alfap < 0 {
return false
qp := tp.Cross(e23)
betap := ray.Direction.Product(qp) * invDetp
if betap < 0 {
return false
tDist := e03.Product(w) * invDet
if tDist < 0 {
return false
return true
// NewQuad returns a new Quad which is definied byt he four points `a`, `b`, `c`
// and `d`.
func NewQuad(a, b, c, d geom.Vector) *Quad {
return &Quad{
vertices: [4]vector{
// Sphere is an Intersectable which represents a perfect sphere in the 3D space.
type Sphere struct {
o geom.Vector
r float64
// Intersect implements the geom.Intersecatble interface.
func (s *Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
var d = ray.Direction
var o = ray.Origin
// Normalize the direction so that we can later check whether the
// intersection is behind the origin or in front of it.
dl := 1.0 / math.Sqrt(d.X*d.X+d.Y*d.Y+d.Z*d.Z)
d.X *= dl
d.Y *= dl
d.Z *= dl
// To make calculations easier, change the coord system so that
// the sphere center goes in 0,0,0.
o.X -= s.o.X
o.Y -= s.o.Y
o.Z -= s.o.Z
var a = d.X*d.X + d.Y*d.Y + d.Z*d.Z
var b = 2 * (d.X*o.X + d.Y*o.Y + d.Z*o.Z)
var c = o.X*o.X + o.Y*o.Y + o.Z*o.Z - s.r*s.r
tNear, tFar, ok := quadratic(a, b, c)
if !ok || (tNear < 0 && tFar < 0) {
return false
var retdist = tNear
if tNear < 0 {
retdist = tFar
if retdist < 0 {
return false
return true
// NewSphere returns a new Sphere with center `o` and radius `r`.
func NewSphere(o geom.Vector, r float64) *Sphere {
return &Sphere{o: o, r: r}
// vector is a algebraic vector which supports few algebraic operations with other
// vectors.
type vector struct {
X, Y, Z float64
func (v vector) Minus(other vector) vector {
return vector{v.X - other.X, v.Y - other.Y, v.Z - other.Z}
func (v vector) Product(other vector) float64 {
return v.X*other.X + v.Y*other.Y + v.Z*other.Z
func (v vector) Cross(other vector) vector {
return vector{v.Y*other.Z - v.Z*other.Y,
v.Z*other.X - v.X*other.Z,
v.X*other.Y - v.Y*other.X}
// vectorFromGeom returns the `vector` which corresponds to `geom.Vector`.
func vectorFromGeom(p geom.Vector) vector {
return vector{X: p.X, Y: p.Y, Z: p.Z}
// ray is a similar to geo.Ray but it is using vector instead of geom.Vector
// values. This makes calculations in this package easier.
type ray struct {
Direction vector
Origin vector
// rayFromGeom returns a new `ray` which corresponds to the `geom.Ray`.
func rayFromGeom(r geom.Ray) ray {
return ray{
Direction: vectorFromGeom(r.Direction),
Origin: vectorFromGeom(r.Origin),
// quadratic solves a quadratic equation and returns the two solutions of there are any.
// Its last return value is a boolean and true when there is a solution. The first two
// values are the solutions.
func quadratic(a, b, c float64) (float64, float64, bool) {
discrim := b*b - 4*a*c
if discrim <= 0 {
return 0, 0, false
rootDiscrim := math.Sqrt(discrim)
var q float64
if b < 0 {
q = -0.5 * (b - rootDiscrim)
} else {
q = -0.5 * (b + rootDiscrim)
t0, t1 := q/a, c/q
if t0 > t1 {
t0, t1 = t1, t0
return t0, t1, true
// epsilon is a very small number, indistinguishable from zero in the context of
// calculations in this package. It can be used for defining the precision of
// comparisons and calculations with float values.
const epsilon = 1e-7

Лог от изпълнението

ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s
ok  	_/tmp/d20181122-57-1ah9p0h	0.002s

История (1 версия и 1 коментар)

Doychin обнови решението на 20.11.2018 22:47 (преди 9 месеца)

+package main
+import (
+ "math"
+ "github.com/fmi/go-homework/geom"
+// Triangle is an Intersectable which represents a triangle in the 3D space.
+type Triangle struct {
+ a, b, c vector
+// Intersect implements the geom.Intersecatble interface. It uses the
+// Möller–Trumbore ray-triangle intersection algorithm from 1997. Wiki link:
+// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
+func (t *Triangle) Intersect(r geom.Ray) bool {
+ ray := rayFromGeom(r)
+ edge1 := t.b.Minus(t.a)
+ edge2 := t.c.Minus(t.a)
+ s1 := ray.Direction.Cross(edge2)
+ divisor := edge1.Product(s1)
+ // Not culling:
+ if divisor > -epsilon && divisor < epsilon {
+ return false
+ }
+ invDivisor := 1.0 / divisor
+ s := ray.Origin.Minus(t.a)
+ b1 := s.Product(s1) * invDivisor
+ if b1 < 0.0 || b1 > 1.0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ s2 := s.Cross(edge1)
+ b2 := ray.Direction.Product(s2) * invDivisor
+ if b2 < 0.0 || b1+b2 > 1.0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ tt := edge2.Product(s2) * invDivisor
+ if tt < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// NewTriangle returns a new Triangle, defined with the points `a`, `b` and `c`.
+func NewTriangle(a, b, c geom.Vector) *Triangle {
+ return &Triangle{
+ a: vectorFromGeom(a),
+ b: vectorFromGeom(b),
+ c: vectorFromGeom(c),
+ }
+// Quad is an Intersectable which represents a quadrilateral in the 3D space.
+type Quad struct {
+ vertices [4]vector
+// Intersect implements the geom.Intersecatble interface. It is based on the
+func (q *Quad) Intersect(r geom.Ray) bool {
+ ray := rayFromGeom(r)
+ e01 := q.vertices[1].Minus(q.vertices[0])
+ e03 := q.vertices[3].Minus(q.vertices[0])
+ p := ray.Direction.Cross(e03)
+ det := e01.Product(p)
+ if det == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ invDet := 1 / det
+ t := ray.Origin.Minus(q.vertices[0])
+ alfa := t.Product(p) * invDet
+ if alfa < 0 || alfa > 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ w := t.Cross(e01)
+ beta := ray.Direction.Product(w) * invDet
+ if beta < 0 || beta > 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if alfa+beta > 1 {
+ e21 := q.vertices[1].Minus(q.vertices[2])
+ e23 := q.vertices[3].Minus(q.vertices[2])
+ pp := ray.Direction.Cross(e21)
+ detp := e23.Product(pp)
+ if detp == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ invDetp := 1 / detp
+ tp := ray.Origin.Minus(q.vertices[2])
+ alfap := tp.Product(pp) * invDetp
+ if alfap < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ qp := tp.Cross(e23)
+ betap := ray.Direction.Product(qp) * invDetp
+ if betap < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ tDist := e03.Product(w) * invDet
+ if tDist < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// NewQuad returns a new Quad which is definied byt he four points `a`, `b`, `c`
+// and `d`.
+func NewQuad(a, b, c, d geom.Vector) *Quad {
+ return &Quad{
+ vertices: [4]vector{
+ vectorFromGeom(a),
+ vectorFromGeom(b),
+ vectorFromGeom(c),
+ vectorFromGeom(d),
+ },
+ }
+// Sphere is an Intersectable which represents a perfect sphere in the 3D space.
+type Sphere struct {
+ o geom.Vector
+ r float64
+// Intersect implements the geom.Intersecatble interface.
+func (s *Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+ var d = ray.Direction
+ var o = ray.Origin
+ // Normalize the direction so that we can later check whether the
+ // intersection is behind the origin or in front of it.
+ dl := 1.0 / math.Sqrt(d.X*d.X+d.Y*d.Y+d.Z*d.Z)
+ d.X *= dl
+ d.Y *= dl
+ d.Z *= dl
+ // To make calculations easier, change the coord system so that
+ // the sphere center goes in 0,0,0.
+ o.X -= s.o.X
+ o.Y -= s.o.Y
+ o.Z -= s.o.Z
+ var a = d.X*d.X + d.Y*d.Y + d.Z*d.Z
+ var b = 2 * (d.X*o.X + d.Y*o.Y + d.Z*o.Z)
+ var c = o.X*o.X + o.Y*o.Y + o.Z*o.Z - s.r*s.r
+ tNear, tFar, ok := quadratic(a, b, c)
+ if !ok || (tNear < 0 && tFar < 0) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var retdist = tNear
+ if tNear < 0 {
+ retdist = tFar
+ }
+ if retdist < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// NewSphere returns a new Sphere with center `o` and radius `r`.
+func NewSphere(o geom.Vector, r float64) *Sphere {
+ return &Sphere{o: o, r: r}
+// vector is a algebraic vector which supports few algebraic operations with other
+// vectors.
+type vector struct {
+ X, Y, Z float64
+func (v vector) Minus(other vector) vector {
+ return vector{v.X - other.X, v.Y - other.Y, v.Z - other.Z}
+func (v vector) Product(other vector) float64 {
+ return v.X*other.X + v.Y*other.Y + v.Z*other.Z
+func (v vector) Cross(other vector) vector {
+ return vector{v.Y*other.Z - v.Z*other.Y,
+ v.Z*other.X - v.X*other.Z,
+ v.X*other.Y - v.Y*other.X}
+// vectorFromGeom returns the `vector` which corresponds to `geom.Vector`.
+func vectorFromGeom(p geom.Vector) vector {
+ return vector{X: p.X, Y: p.Y, Z: p.Z}
+// ray is a similar to geo.Ray but it is using vector instead of geom.Vector
+// values. This makes calculations in this package easier.
+type ray struct {
+ Direction vector
+ Origin vector
+// rayFromGeom returns a new `ray` which corresponds to the `geom.Ray`.
+func rayFromGeom(r geom.Ray) ray {
+ return ray{
+ Direction: vectorFromGeom(r.Direction),
+ Origin: vectorFromGeom(r.Origin),
+ }
+// quadratic solves a quadratic equation and returns the two solutions of there are any.
+// Its last return value is a boolean and true when there is a solution. The first two
+// values are the solutions.
+func quadratic(a, b, c float64) (float64, float64, bool) {
+ discrim := b*b - 4*a*c
+ if discrim <= 0 {
+ return 0, 0, false
+ }
+ rootDiscrim := math.Sqrt(discrim)
+ var q float64
+ if b < 0 {
+ q = -0.5 * (b - rootDiscrim)
+ } else {
+ q = -0.5 * (b + rootDiscrim)
+ }
+ t0, t1 := q/a, c/q
+ if t0 > t1 {
+ t0, t1 = t1, t0
+ }
+ return t0, t1, true
+// epsilon is a very small number, indistinguishable from zero in the context of
+// calculations in this package. It can be used for defining the precision of
+// comparisons and calculations with float values.
+const epsilon = 1e-7