Решение на Пресичания от Георги Стефанов

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Георги Стефанов


  • 10 точки от тестове
  • 1 бонус точка
  • 11 точки общо
  • 20 успешни тест(а)
  • 0 неуспешни тест(а)


package main
import (
type Triangle struct {
a geom.Vector
b geom.Vector
c geom.Vector
func NewTriangle(a, b, c geom.Vector) Triangle {
return Triangle{
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
func (tr Triangle) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
// Ray Equation: p(t) = p0 + t.p1
// Let n be the normal vector
// [(p0 + p1.t) - a] * n = 0 <=> p(t) - a is parallel to the plane and hence on the plane,
// hence p(t) is on the plane. Therefore, we need to find the value of t for which this equation
// is satisfied.
// The equation is equivalent to:
// t = (a * n - p0 * n) / p1 * n
// But first we check if p1 * n != 0
// If p1 * n == 0 => The ray is parallel to the plane, and hence can't intersect the triangle
// Afterwards we find the intersection point using t
// Get the normal vector to the plane of the triangle
normalVector := tr.normalVector()
// Get the cosine of the angle between the normal vector and the direction of the ray
cosAngleDirectionNormal := dotProduct(ray.Direction, normalVector)
// Check if ray is parallel to triangle plane
if cosAngleDirectionNormal == 0 {
return false
// ray is not parallel to plane
// => ray intersects plane
// find intersection point
// t is the value of the parameter t in the equation for the ray
t := dotProduct(vectorDiff(tr.a, ray.Origin), normalVector) / cosAngleDirectionNormal
// If t is less than zero then we are moving in the opposite direction of the ray
// so we can't possibly intersect with the triangle
if t < 0 {
return false
intersectionPoint := vectorSum(ray.Origin, multiplyByScalar(t, ray.Direction))
// check if intersection point is inside triangle
return tr.inside(intersectionPoint)
type Quad struct {
a geom.Vector
b geom.Vector
c geom.Vector
d geom.Vector
func NewQuad(a, b, c, d geom.Vector) Quad {
return Quad{
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
d: d,
func (q Quad) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
alphaTriangle := Triangle{
a: q.a,
b: q.b,
c: q.d,
gammaTriangle := Triangle{
a: q.b,
b: q.c,
c: q.d,
return alphaTriangle.Intersect(ray) || gammaTriangle.Intersect(ray)
type Sphere struct {
center geom.Vector
radius float64
func NewSphere(origin geom.Vector, r float64) Sphere {
return Sphere{
center: origin,
radius: r,
func (s Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
// Ray's vector equation
// P=P0 + P1 . t
// Sphere's vector equation
// (P-C)*(P-C) - r^2 = 0
// Substituting the P from the first one into the second one we get
// P1^2 * t^2 + 2P1*(P0-C)*t +(P0-C)^2 - r^2 = 0
// A quadratic equation of t of the form at^2 + 2bt + c = 0
// Our solution depends only on the sign of the determinant
// And the signs of the roots if they are real
a := dotProduct(ray.Direction, ray.Direction)
displacement := vectorDiff(ray.Origin, s.center)
b := 2 * dotProduct(ray.Direction, displacement)
c := dotProduct(displacement, displacement) - s.radius*s.radius
determinant := b*b - 4*a*c
if determinant < 0 {
// Determinant is less than zero. Therefore, there are no real roots
// Hence, no t for which the ray intersects the sphere
return false
// Determinant is nonnegative, therefore there is a real solution
// Since the ray has an Origin and we consider only t >= 0 as a value
// We need to check if there is a positive root
// We will use Vieta's formulas
// t1 * t2 = c/a
// t + t2 = -b/a
rootProduct := c / a
if rootProduct <= 0 {
// rootProduct is less than or equal to zero
// this means that the origin is either an intersection point
// or there is a positive t which is on the sphere
return true
// rootProduct is > 0 => Both roots have the same sign. We just need to check whether
// it is positive
return -b/a > 0
func multiplyByScalar(t float64, a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: t * a.X,
Y: t * a.Y,
Z: t * a.Z,
func vectorDiff(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X - b.X,
Y: a.Y - b.Y,
Z: a.Z - b.Z,
func vectorSum(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X + b.X,
Y: a.Y + b.Y,
Z: a.Z + b.Z,
func dotProduct(a, b geom.Vector) float64 {
return a.X*b.X + a.Y*b.Y + a.Z*b.Z
func crossProduct(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
xDet := a.Y*b.Z - a.Z*b.Y
yDet := a.X*b.Z - a.Z*b.X
zDet := a.X*b.Y - a.Y*b.X
return geom.Vector{
X: xDet,
Y: -yDet,
Z: zDet,
func magnitute(a geom.Vector) float64 {
return math.Sqrt(dotProduct(a, a))
func normalize(a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
magnitude := magnitute(a)
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X / magnitude,
Y: a.Y / magnitude,
Z: a.Z / magnitude,
func determinant(mat [][]float64) float64 {
return mat[0][0]*mat[1][1] - mat[0][1]*mat[1][0]
func (tr Triangle) normalVector() geom.Vector {
left := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
right := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
normalVector := normalize(crossProduct(left, right))
return normalVector
func (tr Triangle) inside(vector geom.Vector) bool {
// Find whether a point is inside a triangle using its barycentric coordinates.
pMinusA := vectorDiff(vector, tr.a)
bMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
cMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
// Here we will use Cramer's Rule to find out the solutions
// to the system of equations
matrix := [][]float64{
{bMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
{bMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
a1 := [][]float64{
{pMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
{pMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
a2 := [][]float64{
{bMinusA.X, pMinusA.X},
{bMinusA.Y, pMinusA.Y},
beta := determinant(a1) / determinant(matrix)
gamma := determinant(a2) / determinant(matrix)
if beta < 0 || gamma < 0 {
return false
if beta > 1 || gamma > 1 {
return false
if beta+gamma > 1 {
return false
return true

Лог от изпълнението

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История (3 версии и 2 коментара)

Георги обнови решението на 18.11.2018 21:29 (преди 9 месеца)

+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/fmi/go-homework/geom"
+ "math"
+type Triangle struct {
+ a geom.Vector
+ b geom.Vector
+ c geom.Vector
+func NewTriangle(a, b, c geom.Vector) Triangle {
+ return Triangle{
+ a: a,
+ b: b,
+ c: c,
+ }
+func (tr *Triangle) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+ // Ray Equation: p(t) = p0 + t.p1
+ // Let n be the normal vector
+ // [(p0 + p1.t) - a] * n = 0 <=> p(t) - a is parallel to the plane and hence on the plane,
+ // hence p(t) is on the plane. Therefore, we need to find the value of t for which this equation
+ // is satisfied.
+ // The equation is equivalent to:
+ //
+ // t = (a * n - p0 * n) / p1 * n
+ //
+ //
+ // But first we check if p1 * n != 0
+ // If p1 * n == 0 => The ray is parallel to the plane, and hence can't intersect the triangle
+ //
+ // Afterwards we find the intersection point using t
+ // Get the normal vector to the plane of the triangle
+ normalVector := tr.normalVector()
+ // Get the cosine of the angle between the normal vector and the direction of the ray
+ cosAngleDirectionNormal := dotProduct(ray.Direction, normalVector)
+ // Check if ray is parallel to triangle plane
+ if cosAngleDirectionNormal == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ // ray is not parallel to plane
+ // => ray intersects plane
+ // find intersection point
+ // t is the value of the parameter t in the equation for the ray
+ t := dotProduct(vectorDiff(tr.a, ray.Origin), normalVector) / cosAngleDirectionNormal
+ // If t is less than zero then we are moving in the opposite direction of the ray
+ // so we can't possibly intersect with the triangle
+ if t < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ intersectionPoint := vectorSum(ray.Origin, multiplyByScalar(t, ray.Direction))
+ // check if intersection point is inside triangle
+ return tr.inside(intersectionPoint)
+type Quad struct {
+ a geom.Vector
+ b geom.Vector
+ c geom.Vector
+ d geom.Vector
+func NewQuad(a, b, c, d geom.Vector) Quad {
+ return Quad{
+ a: a,
+ b: b,
+ c: c,
+ d: d,
+ }
+func (q *Quad) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+ alphaTriangle := Triangle{
+ a: q.a,
+ b: q.b,
+ c: q.d,
+ }
+ gammaTriangle := Triangle{
+ a: q.b,
+ b: q.c,
+ c: q.d,
+ }
+ return alphaTriangle.Intersect(ray) || gammaTriangle.Intersect(ray)
+type Sphere struct {
+ center geom.Vector
+ radius float64
+func NewSphere(origin geom.Vector, r float64) Sphere {
+ return Sphere{
+ center: origin,
+ radius: r,
+ }
+func (s *Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+ // Ray's vector equation
+ // P=P0 + P1 . t
+ // Sphere's vector equation
+ // (P-C)*(P-C) - r^2 = 0
+ // Substituting the P from the first one into the second one we get
+ // P1^2 * t^2 + 2P1*(P0-C)*t +(P0-C)^2 - r^2 = 0
+ // A quadratic equation of t of the form at^2 + 2bt + c = 0
+ // Our solution depends only on the sign of the determinant
+ // And the signs of the roots if they are real
+ a := dotProduct(ray.Direction, ray.Direction)
+ displacement := vectorDiff(ray.Origin, s.center)
+ b := 2 * dotProduct(ray.Direction, displacement)
+ c := dotProduct(displacement, displacement) - s.radius*s.radius
+ determinant := b*b - 4*a*c
+ if determinant < 0 {
+ // Determinant is less than zero. Therefore, there are no real roots
+ // Hence, no t for which the ray intersects the sphere
+ return false
+ }
+ // Determinant is nonnegative, therefore there is a real solution
+ // Since the ray has an Origin and we consider only t >= 0 as a value
+ // We need to check if there is a positive root
+ // We will use Vieta's formulas
+ // t1 * t2 = c/a
+ // t + t2 = -b/a
+ rootProduct := c / a
+ if rootProduct <= 0 {
+ // rootProduct is less than or equal to zero
+ // this means that the origin is either an intersection point
+ // or there is a positive t which is on the sphere
+ return true
+ }
+ // rootProduct is > 0 => Both roots have the same sign. We just need to check whether
+ // it is positive
+ positive := -b/a > 0
+ return positive
+func multiplyByScalar(t float64, a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
+ return geom.Vector{
+ X: t * a.X,
+ Y: t * a.Y,
+ Z: t * a.Z,
+ }
+func vectorDiff(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
+ return geom.Vector{
+ X: a.X - b.X,
+ Y: a.Y - b.Y,
+ Z: a.Z - b.Z,
+ }
+func vectorSum(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
+ return geom.Vector{
+ X: a.X + b.X,
+ Y: a.Y + b.Y,
+ Z: a.Z + b.Z,
+ }
+func dotProduct(a, b geom.Vector) float64 {
+ return a.X*b.X + a.Y*b.Y + a.Z*b.Z
+func crossProduct(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
+ xDet := a.Y*b.Z - a.Z*b.Y
+ yDet := a.X*b.Z - a.Z*b.X
+ zDet := a.X*b.Y - a.Y*b.X
+ return geom.Vector{
+ X: xDet,
+ Y: -yDet,
+ Z: zDet,
+ }
+func magnitute(a geom.Vector) float64 {
+ return math.Sqrt(dotProduct(a, a))
+func normalize(a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
+ magnitude := magnitute(a)
+ return geom.Vector{
+ X: a.X / magnitude,
+ Y: a.Y / magnitude,
+ Z: a.Z / magnitude,
+ }
+func determinant(mat [][]float64) float64 {
+ return mat[0][0]*mat[1][1] - mat[0][1]*mat[1][0]
+func (tr *Triangle) normalVector() geom.Vector {
+ left := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
+ right := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
+ normalVector := normalize(crossProduct(left, right))
+ return normalVector
+func (tr *Triangle) inside(vector geom.Vector) bool {
+ // Find whether a point is inside a triangle using its barycentric coordinates.
+ pMinusA := vectorDiff(vector, tr.a)
+ bMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
+ cMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
+ // Here we will use Cramer's Rule to find out the solutions
+ // to the system of equations
+ matrix := [][]float64{
+ {bMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
+ {bMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
+ }
+ a1 := [][]float64{
+ {pMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
+ {pMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
+ }
+ a2 := [][]float64{
+ {bMinusA.X, pMinusA.X},
+ {bMinusA.Y, pMinusA.Y},
+ }
+ beta := determinant(a1) / determinant(matrix)
+ gamma := determinant(a2) / determinant(matrix)
+ if beta < 0 || gamma < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if beta > 1 || gamma > 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if beta+gamma > 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true

Не съм чел в подробности кода ти за сега, но забелязах че NewSphere, NewTriangle и NewQuad връщат типове, които не имплементират geom.Intersectable. Опитай примерния тест.

Георги обнови решението на 20.11.2018 10:11 (преди 9 месеца)

package main
import (
type Triangle struct {
a geom.Vector
b geom.Vector
c geom.Vector
func NewTriangle(a, b, c geom.Vector) Triangle {
return Triangle{
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
-func (tr *Triangle) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+func (tr Triangle) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
// Ray Equation: p(t) = p0 + t.p1
// Let n be the normal vector
// [(p0 + p1.t) - a] * n = 0 <=> p(t) - a is parallel to the plane and hence on the plane,
// hence p(t) is on the plane. Therefore, we need to find the value of t for which this equation
// is satisfied.
// The equation is equivalent to:
// t = (a * n - p0 * n) / p1 * n
// But first we check if p1 * n != 0
// If p1 * n == 0 => The ray is parallel to the plane, and hence can't intersect the triangle
// Afterwards we find the intersection point using t
// Get the normal vector to the plane of the triangle
normalVector := tr.normalVector()
// Get the cosine of the angle between the normal vector and the direction of the ray
cosAngleDirectionNormal := dotProduct(ray.Direction, normalVector)
// Check if ray is parallel to triangle plane
if cosAngleDirectionNormal == 0 {
return false
// ray is not parallel to plane
// => ray intersects plane
// find intersection point
// t is the value of the parameter t in the equation for the ray
t := dotProduct(vectorDiff(tr.a, ray.Origin), normalVector) / cosAngleDirectionNormal
// If t is less than zero then we are moving in the opposite direction of the ray
// so we can't possibly intersect with the triangle
if t < 0 {
return false
intersectionPoint := vectorSum(ray.Origin, multiplyByScalar(t, ray.Direction))
// check if intersection point is inside triangle
return tr.inside(intersectionPoint)
type Quad struct {
a geom.Vector
b geom.Vector
c geom.Vector
d geom.Vector
func NewQuad(a, b, c, d geom.Vector) Quad {
return Quad{
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
d: d,
-func (q *Quad) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+func (q Quad) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
alphaTriangle := Triangle{
a: q.a,
b: q.b,
c: q.d,
gammaTriangle := Triangle{
a: q.b,
b: q.c,
c: q.d,
return alphaTriangle.Intersect(ray) || gammaTriangle.Intersect(ray)
type Sphere struct {
center geom.Vector
radius float64
func NewSphere(origin geom.Vector, r float64) Sphere {
return Sphere{
center: origin,
radius: r,
-func (s *Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
+func (s Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
// Ray's vector equation
// P=P0 + P1 . t
// Sphere's vector equation
// (P-C)*(P-C) - r^2 = 0
// Substituting the P from the first one into the second one we get
// P1^2 * t^2 + 2P1*(P0-C)*t +(P0-C)^2 - r^2 = 0
// A quadratic equation of t of the form at^2 + 2bt + c = 0
// Our solution depends only on the sign of the determinant
// And the signs of the roots if they are real
a := dotProduct(ray.Direction, ray.Direction)
displacement := vectorDiff(ray.Origin, s.center)
b := 2 * dotProduct(ray.Direction, displacement)
c := dotProduct(displacement, displacement) - s.radius*s.radius
determinant := b*b - 4*a*c
if determinant < 0 {
// Determinant is less than zero. Therefore, there are no real roots
// Hence, no t for which the ray intersects the sphere
return false
// Determinant is nonnegative, therefore there is a real solution
// Since the ray has an Origin and we consider only t >= 0 as a value
// We need to check if there is a positive root
// We will use Vieta's formulas
// t1 * t2 = c/a
// t + t2 = -b/a
rootProduct := c / a
if rootProduct <= 0 {
// rootProduct is less than or equal to zero
// this means that the origin is either an intersection point
// or there is a positive t which is on the sphere
return true
// rootProduct is > 0 => Both roots have the same sign. We just need to check whether
// it is positive
positive := -b/a > 0
return positive
func multiplyByScalar(t float64, a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: t * a.X,
Y: t * a.Y,
Z: t * a.Z,
func vectorDiff(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X - b.X,
Y: a.Y - b.Y,
Z: a.Z - b.Z,
func vectorSum(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X + b.X,
Y: a.Y + b.Y,
Z: a.Z + b.Z,
func dotProduct(a, b geom.Vector) float64 {
return a.X*b.X + a.Y*b.Y + a.Z*b.Z
func crossProduct(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
xDet := a.Y*b.Z - a.Z*b.Y
yDet := a.X*b.Z - a.Z*b.X
zDet := a.X*b.Y - a.Y*b.X
return geom.Vector{
X: xDet,
Y: -yDet,
Z: zDet,
func magnitute(a geom.Vector) float64 {
return math.Sqrt(dotProduct(a, a))
func normalize(a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
magnitude := magnitute(a)
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X / magnitude,
Y: a.Y / magnitude,
Z: a.Z / magnitude,
func determinant(mat [][]float64) float64 {
return mat[0][0]*mat[1][1] - mat[0][1]*mat[1][0]
-func (tr *Triangle) normalVector() geom.Vector {
+func (tr Triangle) normalVector() geom.Vector {
left := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
right := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
normalVector := normalize(crossProduct(left, right))
return normalVector
-func (tr *Triangle) inside(vector geom.Vector) bool {
+func (tr Triangle) inside(vector geom.Vector) bool {
// Find whether a point is inside a triangle using its barycentric coordinates.
pMinusA := vectorDiff(vector, tr.a)
bMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
cMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
// Here we will use Cramer's Rule to find out the solutions
// to the system of equations
matrix := [][]float64{
{bMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
{bMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
a1 := [][]float64{
{pMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
{pMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
a2 := [][]float64{
{bMinusA.X, pMinusA.X},
{bMinusA.Y, pMinusA.Y},
beta := determinant(a1) / determinant(matrix)
gamma := determinant(a2) / determinant(matrix)
if beta < 0 || gamma < 0 {
return false
if beta > 1 || gamma > 1 {
return false
if beta+gamma > 1 {
return false
return true

Георги обнови решението на 21.11.2018 14:22 (преди 9 месеца)

package main
import (
type Triangle struct {
a geom.Vector
b geom.Vector
c geom.Vector
func NewTriangle(a, b, c geom.Vector) Triangle {
return Triangle{
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
func (tr Triangle) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
// Ray Equation: p(t) = p0 + t.p1
// Let n be the normal vector
// [(p0 + p1.t) - a] * n = 0 <=> p(t) - a is parallel to the plane and hence on the plane,
// hence p(t) is on the plane. Therefore, we need to find the value of t for which this equation
// is satisfied.
// The equation is equivalent to:
// t = (a * n - p0 * n) / p1 * n
// But first we check if p1 * n != 0
// If p1 * n == 0 => The ray is parallel to the plane, and hence can't intersect the triangle
// Afterwards we find the intersection point using t
// Get the normal vector to the plane of the triangle
normalVector := tr.normalVector()
// Get the cosine of the angle between the normal vector and the direction of the ray
cosAngleDirectionNormal := dotProduct(ray.Direction, normalVector)
// Check if ray is parallel to triangle plane
if cosAngleDirectionNormal == 0 {
return false
// ray is not parallel to plane
// => ray intersects plane
// find intersection point
// t is the value of the parameter t in the equation for the ray
t := dotProduct(vectorDiff(tr.a, ray.Origin), normalVector) / cosAngleDirectionNormal
// If t is less than zero then we are moving in the opposite direction of the ray
// so we can't possibly intersect with the triangle
if t < 0 {
return false
intersectionPoint := vectorSum(ray.Origin, multiplyByScalar(t, ray.Direction))
// check if intersection point is inside triangle
return tr.inside(intersectionPoint)
type Quad struct {
a geom.Vector
b geom.Vector
c geom.Vector
d geom.Vector
func NewQuad(a, b, c, d geom.Vector) Quad {
return Quad{
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
d: d,
func (q Quad) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
alphaTriangle := Triangle{
a: q.a,
b: q.b,
c: q.d,
gammaTriangle := Triangle{
a: q.b,
b: q.c,
c: q.d,
return alphaTriangle.Intersect(ray) || gammaTriangle.Intersect(ray)
type Sphere struct {
center geom.Vector
radius float64
func NewSphere(origin geom.Vector, r float64) Sphere {
return Sphere{
center: origin,
radius: r,
func (s Sphere) Intersect(ray geom.Ray) bool {
// Ray's vector equation
// P=P0 + P1 . t
// Sphere's vector equation
// (P-C)*(P-C) - r^2 = 0
// Substituting the P from the first one into the second one we get
// P1^2 * t^2 + 2P1*(P0-C)*t +(P0-C)^2 - r^2 = 0
// A quadratic equation of t of the form at^2 + 2bt + c = 0
// Our solution depends only on the sign of the determinant
// And the signs of the roots if they are real
a := dotProduct(ray.Direction, ray.Direction)
displacement := vectorDiff(ray.Origin, s.center)
b := 2 * dotProduct(ray.Direction, displacement)
c := dotProduct(displacement, displacement) - s.radius*s.radius
determinant := b*b - 4*a*c
if determinant < 0 {
// Determinant is less than zero. Therefore, there are no real roots
// Hence, no t for which the ray intersects the sphere
return false
// Determinant is nonnegative, therefore there is a real solution
// Since the ray has an Origin and we consider only t >= 0 as a value
// We need to check if there is a positive root
// We will use Vieta's formulas
// t1 * t2 = c/a
// t + t2 = -b/a
rootProduct := c / a
if rootProduct <= 0 {
// rootProduct is less than or equal to zero
// this means that the origin is either an intersection point
// or there is a positive t which is on the sphere
return true
// rootProduct is > 0 => Both roots have the same sign. We just need to check whether
// it is positive
- positive := -b/a > 0
- return positive
+ return -b/a > 0
func multiplyByScalar(t float64, a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: t * a.X,
Y: t * a.Y,
Z: t * a.Z,
func vectorDiff(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X - b.X,
Y: a.Y - b.Y,
Z: a.Z - b.Z,
func vectorSum(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X + b.X,
Y: a.Y + b.Y,
Z: a.Z + b.Z,
func dotProduct(a, b geom.Vector) float64 {
return a.X*b.X + a.Y*b.Y + a.Z*b.Z
func crossProduct(a, b geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
xDet := a.Y*b.Z - a.Z*b.Y
yDet := a.X*b.Z - a.Z*b.X
zDet := a.X*b.Y - a.Y*b.X
return geom.Vector{
X: xDet,
Y: -yDet,
Z: zDet,
func magnitute(a geom.Vector) float64 {
return math.Sqrt(dotProduct(a, a))
func normalize(a geom.Vector) geom.Vector {
magnitude := magnitute(a)
return geom.Vector{
X: a.X / magnitude,
Y: a.Y / magnitude,
Z: a.Z / magnitude,
func determinant(mat [][]float64) float64 {
return mat[0][0]*mat[1][1] - mat[0][1]*mat[1][0]
func (tr Triangle) normalVector() geom.Vector {
left := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
right := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
normalVector := normalize(crossProduct(left, right))
return normalVector
func (tr Triangle) inside(vector geom.Vector) bool {
// Find whether a point is inside a triangle using its barycentric coordinates.
pMinusA := vectorDiff(vector, tr.a)
bMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.b, tr.a)
cMinusA := vectorDiff(tr.c, tr.a)
// Here we will use Cramer's Rule to find out the solutions
// to the system of equations
matrix := [][]float64{
{bMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
{bMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
a1 := [][]float64{
{pMinusA.X, cMinusA.X},
{pMinusA.Y, cMinusA.Y},
a2 := [][]float64{
{bMinusA.X, pMinusA.X},
{bMinusA.Y, pMinusA.Y},
beta := determinant(a1) / determinant(matrix)
gamma := determinant(a2) / determinant(matrix)
if beta < 0 || gamma < 0 {
return false
if beta > 1 || gamma > 1 {
return false
if beta+gamma > 1 {
return false
return true